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Install and configure

Download at here then install.

Check version:

$ go version

go version go1.19.1 windows/amd64

Editor & organize source code

Visual Studio Code

Install the Go plugin.

Hit Ctrl(Cmd)+Shift+P, the VSCode command window opened. Click on Go: Install/Update Tools. Select all the checkboxes showed up. Then click "OK".


If you download the Go package after install GoLand, you have to configure GOROOT:

Go to Settings (or Ctrl+Alt+S) > Go > GOROOT > Download the Go SDK.

Configure GOPATH

Settings > Go > GOPATH

It defaults to a directory named go inside your home directory:

  • $HOME/go on Unix
  • $home/go on Plan 9
  • %USERPROFILE%\go (usually C:\Users\YourName\go) on Windows

Run kind

Click on Run bar > Edit configurations. At run kind, you can choose "File", "Directory" or "Package".

Go command

go mod init

Go module is a directory on hard drive that has a go.mod file. That file contains some configuration information about the module itself.

$ go mod init

The first argument is the name of the module itself. When using go get command to retrieve dependencies, that information is used.

go get

To include a package, we import it and Go automatically downloads it when we build or run the project. Or we can download it manually using the go get command.

$ go get
import (

go run

Run a file:

$ go run main.go

You can also run by the name that initialized in go.mod:

$ go run
$ go run .

go build

Create executable file.

Simple demo

package main

import (

func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello world")

A package is a collection of files which declare constants, types, variables and functions belonging to the package.

Each source file begins with a package clause defining the package to which it belongs

=> Constants, types, variables and functions belonging to a package are accessible in all files of that package.

The package main tells the Go compiler that the package should compile as an executable program instead of a shared library. The main function in the main package is the entry point of the program.


fmt stands for formatted I/O


GOPATH=C:\Users\HUYTU\go #gosetup
C:\DEV_PROGRAMS\Go\bin\go.exe build -o E:\TEMP\GoLand\___go_build_main_go.exe D:\Desktop\learn-go\main.go #gosetup
Hello world

You can give aliases to package:

import (
str "strings"
langs := []string{"F#", "Go", "Python", "Perl", "Erlang"}
s := str.Join(langs, ", ")