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Some of Go characteristics.

What's the problem?

+High performance
Type safety
Rapid compilation
Type safety
Ease of use
-Slow compilation
Historically complex syntax
Complicated ecosystemLack of type safety
Relatively slow

=> GO:

  • fast compilation
  • fully compiled
  • strongly typed
  • concurrent by default
  • garbage collected
  • simplicity


Go has a strong, static type system, better when compare to scripting languages such as JavaScript or Python.

Go is inspired by C's syntax.

Go is multi-paradigm programming language, a mixture of procedural and object-oriented.

Go is garbage collected language.

Go is fully compiled. Unlike scripting languages (which are interpreted at runtime) or languages that are compiled to some intermediate code that are interpreted by a runtime (such as Java)

  • Go applications are fully compiled down to an executable binary -> highest levels of performance possible
  • Single binary output -> simple deployment

Go has rapid compilation -> better when doing TDD methodology

Philosophy and value


For example:

  • All loops in Go are for-loops
  • Go doesn't make expressions, it is statements (it evaluates all as 1 unit, whereas expression is a component of statement). For example:

i := 1 println(i++) // sometimes you may confuse println(++i)

Network aware & concurrent apps

Unlike other languages, Go was created after CPUs have multiple core and were able to run tasks concurrently -> Go adotped those designs

  • net and net/http packages: create web servers using only standard library
  • goroutines: start tons of concurrent tasks with minimal resources
  • channels: safely communicate between concurrent tasks

Out-of-the-box experience

Standard library: string manipulation, data compression, file manipulation, networking APIS, testing, etc.

Go CLI: project initialization, build, code generation, retrieve dependencies, test, profiling, documentation, report language bugs, etc.


Just by changing 2 parameters - GOOS and GOARCH, don't need any specified-platform device. For example:

WindowsOS XAndroid

Backward compatibility

Primary use cases

Web services / microservices
